Sprite 1984 - 1993
Sprite 1984 - 1993.iso
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208 lines
/* @(#)cg2reg.h 1.1 86/09/27 SMI */
* Copyright (c) 1986 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Description of SUN-2 hardware color frame buffer.
* Structure defining the way in which the address bits to the
* SUN-2 color frame buffer are decoded.
#define CG2_WIDTH 1152
#define CG2_HEIGHT 900
#define CG2_SQUARE 1024
#define CG2_DEPTH 8
#define COLOR_WPAN_PME_OFF 0x800
#define COLOR_PPAN_PME_OFF 0x800
#define COLOR_STAT_PME_OFF 0x800
struct cg2memfb {
union bitplane { /* word mode memory */
short word[CG2_HEIGHT][CG2_WIDTH/(8*sizeof(short))];
short sword[CG2_SQUARE][CG2_SQUARE/(8*sizeof(short))];
} memplane[8];
union byteplane { /* pixel mode memory */
u_char pixel[CG2_HEIGHT][CG2_WIDTH];
u_char spixel[CG2_SQUARE][CG2_SQUARE];
} pixplane;
struct cg2statusreg {
unsigned unused : 4; /* reserved for future use */
unsigned resolution : 4;/* screen resolution */
/* 0 = 900 x 1152 */
/* 1 = 1024 x 1024 */
unsigned retrace : 1; /* rdonly: monitor in retrace */
unsigned inpend : 1; /* rdonly: interrupt pending */
unsigned ropmode : 3; /* Rasterop mode */
unsigned inten : 1; /* enab interrupt at end of retrace */
unsigned update_cmap : 1;
/* copy TTL cmap to ECL cmap next vert retrace*/
/* silently disables writing to TTL cmap */
unsigned video_enab : 1; /* enab video DACs */
struct cg2fb {
union { /* ROP mode memory */
union bitplane ropplane[8]; /* word mode memory with ROP */
union byteplane roppixel; /* pixel mode memory with ROP */
} ropio;
union { /* rasterop unit control */
struct memropc ropregs; /* normal register access */
struct {
char pad[2048]; /* for pixmode src reg prime */
struct memropc ropregs; /* byte xfer loads alternate */
} prime; /* src register bits */
char pad[4096];
} ropcontrol[9];
union { /*----- status register */
struct cg2statusreg reg;
short word;
char pad[4096];
} status;
union { /*----- per plane mask register */
unsigned short reg; /* 8 bits 1bit -> wr to plane*/
char pad[4096];
} ppmask;
union { /*----- word pan register */
unsigned short reg; /* hi 16 of 20 bit pix addr */
/* pix addr = CG2_WIDTH*y+x */
char pad[4096];
} wordpan;
union { /*----- zoom and line offset register */
struct {
unsigned unused : 8;
unsigned lineoff : 4; /* y offset into zoomed pixel */
unsigned pixzoom : 4; /* zoomed pixel size - 1 */
} reg;
short word;
char pad[4096];
} zoom;
union { /*----- pixel pan register */
struct {
unsigned unused : 8;
unsigned lorigin : 4; /* lo 4 bits of pix addr */
unsigned pixeloff : 4; /* zoomed pixel x offset/4 */
} reg;
short word;
char pad[4096];
} pixpan;
union { /*----- variable zoom register */
/* reset zoom after line no */
unsigned short reg; /* line number 0..1024/4 */
char pad[4096];
} varzoom;
union { /*----- interrupt vector register */
unsigned short reg; /* line number 0..1024/4 */
char pad[4096];
} intrptvec;
u_short redmap[256]; /* shadow color maps */
u_short greenmap[256];
u_short bluemap[256];
* ON ON */
#define PRWWRD 0 /* parallel 8 plane, read write, wrdmode */
#define SRWPIX 1 /* single pixel, read write, pixmode */
#define PWWWRD 2 /* parallel 8 plane, write write, wrdmode */
#define SWWPIX 3 /* single pixel, write write, pixmode */
#define PRRWRD 4 /* parallel 8 plane, read read, wrdmode */
#define PRWPIX 5 /* parallel16 pixel, read write, pixmode */
#define PWRWRD 6 /* parallel 8 plane, write read, wrdmode */
#define PWWPIX 7 /* parallel16 pixel, write write, pixmode */
* ROP control unit numbers
#define CG2_ROP0 0 /* rasterop unit for bit plane 0 */
#define CG2_ROP1 1 /* rasterop unit for bit plane 1 */
#define CG2_ROP2 2
#define CG2_ROP3 3
#define CG2_ROP4 4
#define CG2_ROP5 5
#define CG2_ROP6 6
#define CG2_ROP7 7
#define CG2_ALLROP 8 /* writes to all units enabled by PPMASK */
/* reads from plane zero */
#define CG_SRC 0xCC
#define CG_DEST 0xAA
#define CG_MASK 0xf0
#define CG_NOTMASK 0x0f
#define CGOP_NEEDS_MASK(op) ( (((op)>>4)^(op)) & CG_NOTMASK)
*----------- Defines for accessing the rasterop units
#define cg2_setrsource(fb, ropunit, val) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_source1 = (val))
#define cg2_setlsource(fb, ropunit, val) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_source2 = (val))
#define cg2_setfunction(fb, ropunit, val) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_op = (val))
#define cg2_setpattern(fb, ropunit, val) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_pattern = (val))
#define cg2_setshift(fb, ropunit, shft, dir) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_shift = \
(shft)|((dir)<<8) )
#define cg2_setwidth(fb, ropunit, w, count) \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_width = (w)); \
((fb)->ropcontrol[(ropunit)].ropregs.mrc_opcount = (count))
*----------- Defines for accessing the zoom and pan registers
#define cg2_setzoom(fb, pixsize) \
((fb)->zoom.reg.pixzoom = (pixsize)-1)
#define cg2_setpanoffset(fb, xoff, yoff) \
((fb)->pixpan.reg.pixeloff = (xoff)>>2; \
(fb)->zoom.reg.lineoff = (yoff))
#define cg2_setpanorigin(fb, x, y) \
((y) = ((fb)->status.reg.resolution == 1) ? \
(y)*CG2_SQUARE+(x) : (y)*CG2_WIDTH+(x); \
(fb)->pixpan.reg.lorigin = (y)&0xf; \
(fb)->wordpan.reg = (y)>>4)
#define cg2_setzoomstop(fb, y) \
((fb)->varzoom.reg = (y)>>2)
* Defines that facilitate addressing the frame buffer
#define cg2_pixaddr(fb, x, y) \
(((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? \
&(fb)->pixplane.spixel[(y)][(x)] : \
&(fb)->pixplane.pixel[(y)][(x)] )
#define cg2_wordaddr(fb, plane, x, y) \
(((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? \
&(fb)->memplane[(plane)].sword[(y)][(x)>>4] : \
#define cg2_roppixaddr(fb, x, y) \
(((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? \
&(fb)->ropio.roppixel.spixel[(y)][(x)] : \
#define cg2_ropwordaddr(fb, plane, x, y) \
(((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? \
#define cg2_width(fb ) \
( ((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? CG2_SQUARE : CG2_WIDTH )
#define cg2_height(fb ) \
( ((fb)->status.reg.resolution) ? CG2_SQUARE : CG2_HEIGHT )
#define cg2_linebytes(fb, mode) \
( ((fb)->status.reg.resolution) \
? ( ((mode)&1)?CG2_SQUARE:CG2_SQUARE/8 ) \
: ( ((mode)&1)?CG2_WIDTH:CG2_WIDTH/8 ))
#define cg2_prskew( x) \
((x) & 15)
#define cg2_touch(a) ((a)=0)